
Tuesday, August 17, 2004

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Friday, August 13, 2004

Sometimes I like a little bit of METAL!!!! Posted by Hello

The Future!

Well, I was just thinking of mortality and the end of our simple lives. Also thinking of the future and what future generations will see. What their lives will be like. Will it be like a science fiction movie? Like will there be no people with glasses or no fat people ( oh god I wish!) and will they ever find a cure for the common cold or will they find a cure for cancer? Will cars change? I also think of how insignifigant my life is in the grand scheme of things like I just try to think of the galaxy and how huge it is and how small we actually are and why the human race even got here. Like I know God created us but it blows my mind when I think about the bigger picture of things and yet we are sooooo small. Like grains of sand in retrospective of the galaxies. We are small but yet we have the fight in us, the passion to live, the love that is in each of us. How our hearts can break and yet the ability to wage war with each other and kill each other in war and abortion. Be so loving yet so destructive at the same time. Man, it blows my mind!!! The future will always be interesting to me, like I think of my parents and that my mom had never gotten a tv till she was 13 and she used to go to sock hops and she listened to Elvis when he first came out, like that blows my mind in itself. So I wonder when our children ask us about Nirvana or September 11th and that there was no computers when we were young.LOL!! Ok enough rambling!!!!XOXOXO
This is my new favorite show. OMG!! It is so funny....way funnier than the Simpsons!Stewey is the funniest(the baby)... Posted by Hello
8 tracks!! Posted by Hello

Music Changes...

I was just thinking of how music has changed over my lifetime. Like how when I was really young there was records and I listened to the Cabbage Patch Kids records and such and then 8 tracks when I listened to BJ Thomas and Evie in my parents cars (Mercuries) because they actually had 8 track players and then cassettes were huge and I bought a lot of them when I was 10-13 or 14 and then cd's and now the computer age has hit us and now everything is digital and itune players will be had by all so I'm wondering what will be next after this or is this the end of technology(HAHA as if!). SO it'll be exciting to see what happens and the generation gap between me and my parents widen by the years as my mom is completely computer illiterate and she hates computers. But my dad is hip and he gets jiggy with his computer. So it's awesome to see the elders getting into it!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Marmac is Sold!

Awwww!! The School of Ministry building is sold!! We just found out so the next school will be the last school and they will be building onto the Fire hall....So lots of changes here at TACF!! So we'll see what happens!!!
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me wanna read!!!

Ooooooh today is a perfect day to read a book!! Nice and cool and kinda looks like it's going to rain. I remember when I stayed with the Mennonites (for 5 years) they had great days like this and on the farm after chores we would read out loud a really cool story and we would all listen while knitting or drawing. Sigh, I'm totally reminiscing, LOL! It seems like a dream so long ago.......Well, this weekend is shaping up to be pretty good. I have a Bday party to go to of a family friend and relative through marriage. He is turning 65 and he is my Sis-in-Laws dad. Wow, that sounds like a Jerry Springer episode.....haha. Then my sister is going up to my parents on Saturday so it'll be nice to see her again. As long as she stays on my good side!!Mwaaa haha!! YOu know how it is with siblings.............

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

I think the DVD comes out today of the second one...I can't wait!! Woo Hoo!!! I love this movie Posted by Hello

Monday, August 09, 2004

This is the Port Elgin Beach on Lake Huron. This is where I grew up till I was 9. This is where I played and went down that yellow slide many, many times when I was a child. swam for the first time right there. The fries there were awesome but the Seagulls would steal them all!!! Posted by Hello

OMG!! This is the cutest cat I've ever seen!!! Posted by Hello
MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE!!!! I HIGHLY recommend this movie!! It is so good. Very good storyline and excellent acting! I have never seen the 1962 original but I loved this new one. I give it 8 out of 10 stars.It is one of my top 10 movies of all time now. Posted by Hello

Ziggy! Posted by Hello
Drool!!! Posted by Hello
Laurie and Maarten!! Awwww!! What a precious picture! Brings a tear to my eye!! Posted by Hello

Thinking about it!!

Well, I don't know exactly what I'm thinking about but I really want a Starbucks coffe....A Venti Caffee Mocha!! Yummmmmmm!!!
I went home for lunch and had boring soup for lunch and to watch a snippet of All My Children. It's funny how you can watch it once a week and find that the story is still the same. Soap Operas are so dumb and boring. I don't know why I bother!!! But I need to find out what happens to Bianca and her baby and that she gets him back and that Babe will realize that it is actually Biancas baby!! LOL!! So funny........
I also had a good report today that my niece became a Christian and she accepted Jesus into her heart because I had asked her if she had ever done that. And she said she had so that is quite exciting!!
Freeze Mofo!! Or I'll take all your toothpicks!!Hehe!! A pic of Maarten My Dutch friend!! Posted by Hello
This is a picture of the wonderful brunch Laurie made us on Saturday!! Thank you Laurie!!! Posted by Hello

Friday, August 06, 2004

Grilled Cheese?

Hmmm, Blake just posted the lunch for today and it is grilled cheese. Hmmmmm I don't think I want that. I'd rather have something more nutricious like a chicken breast sub with lots of veggies and a Starbuck's coffee.........yummmmm!!!
Hi!! My name is Jude Law and I love Christa! She will marry me!!!Owww!!! Posted by Hello
Wooooooo! What a nice pic of Bowie!! Posted by Hello


Oh man!! I wait in anticipation all week for this beautiful day, but this week not only is it Friday but it is also payday. So I could whatever I want!!HEHE!! Well, then reality hits and I have to pay bills!!Awwwww......oh well. Poor little me, Waa!Waa!! Tear tear........cry!!
I can barely see the screen right now as my eyes are still puffy from this morning and I haven't drunken my entire coffee as of yet so I am waiting for that to kick in. I was out late last night because the gang and I went to see The Village by M.Night Shamalayan and it was AWESOME! I highly recommend it to anybody! The one part in the movie made me scream out loud and I think I scared everyone worse than the movie did, but it was really scary and you know how loud theatres are nowadays!! Anyways it was great. C.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

The Cure : Live Concert!!

Here's a link for the Cure Live concert. It's being aired uninterrupted and Live!! Sweet!!
Nicole and Kelley!! My hommies!! (and Jay too) Posted by Hello
Me and Jay Posted by Hello
my vroom vroom '98 Sunfire!! Posted by Hello

Hmmm, What shall I blog about?Toronto?

Hmmmm, I'm sitting here thinking I should write about something but I can't really think of anything.............
Well, I'm having tons of fun with my digital cam and blogging and I really enjoy it and taking random pictures is so fun and I don't really care if people get annoyed with me (mwaa ha ha ha) that means you Jay!!! LOL!
It's such a beautiful day with nice warm weather with a cool breeze...this is my kind of weather and I heard that down in Texas they get 110 degrees weather!! I can't believe it! I would absolutely DIE! I guess having an air conditioner would be mandatory there. But I would rather have the heat than having tornados like in Oklahoma (Mike and Wendy!).
I would love to have a day off like this and go walk down at the Lake Shore but I am reserved to going down in the evening. Me and my roomie Laurie went to Starbucks one night and went down to the Lakeshore and chatted for a couple of hours about our child hood and how we listened to Psalty the Singing Song book.....LOL!! OMG!!What fun!!
Going down to the Lakeshore and chilling is part of a right of passage to live here in Toronto as well as going to the CN Tower and seeing a Jays game as well. But this year I am dreaming of Toronto Maple Leaf tickets but with the strike looming I may have to wait awhile on that one.
But its so weird living here in the Metropolis of Toronto as I grew up in a town of 4600 named Walkerton. I mean Toronto is massive!! SO big and with so much to do in it! I love it! I seem to be liking it more and more as time passes and it is relitavely safe too I guess. But it rocks!

This is me cruisin in my car on my way to Kelley's (one of my best friends) I believe it was Tuesday the 3rd of August,04 Posted by Hello

This is such a cute picture of Noodle. Kelley's kitty cat, I cat sit Noodle a lot and I love Noodle very much!!! Posted by Hello
Me and Laurie Maciek and Maarten Playing Wizard last Sunday night!!! Posted by Hello
This is my reason for getting up in the morning!!!YUMMMM!!! COFFEE!!!! Posted by Hello
My summer show Posted by Hello